
Lucinda <I>True</I> Johnson


Lucinda True Johnson

Woodford County, Kentucky, USA
1 Nov 1903 (aged 80)
Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, USA
Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, USA Add to Map
Block 1, 227
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Aged 80y 2m 7d

Died, Sunday, Nov. 1, 1903, at the residence of her son, John M. Johnson, Elliott avenue, of senility, Mrs. Lucinda Johnson, aged 81 years. The funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at the residence of John M. Johnson. The interment will be made in Oak Ridge cemetery.

The decedent is survived by the following children: W. T. Johnson, Chicago; Mrs. L. H. Spaulding, John M. Johnson, Miss Dallie Johnson, Charles H. Johnson, all of Springfield; twenty-five grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.

Mrs. Johnson was the widow of the late W. H. Johnson, whom she married Nov. 12, 1843. Mr. Johnson built the old mill at Seventh and Washington streets, which was known as "Everybody's mill." Mrs. Johnson's maiden name was Lucinda True. She was born in Lexington, Ky., Aug. 19, 1823, and she moved with her parents to Springfield when she was only six years old. She was one of the older residents of the city, and was well known throughout Sangamon county. IL State Journal, Springfield, IL, 11-2-1903
Aged 80y 2m 7d

Died, Sunday, Nov. 1, 1903, at the residence of her son, John M. Johnson, Elliott avenue, of senility, Mrs. Lucinda Johnson, aged 81 years. The funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at the residence of John M. Johnson. The interment will be made in Oak Ridge cemetery.

The decedent is survived by the following children: W. T. Johnson, Chicago; Mrs. L. H. Spaulding, John M. Johnson, Miss Dallie Johnson, Charles H. Johnson, all of Springfield; twenty-five grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.

Mrs. Johnson was the widow of the late W. H. Johnson, whom she married Nov. 12, 1843. Mr. Johnson built the old mill at Seventh and Washington streets, which was known as "Everybody's mill." Mrs. Johnson's maiden name was Lucinda True. She was born in Lexington, Ky., Aug. 19, 1823, and she moved with her parents to Springfield when she was only six years old. She was one of the older residents of the city, and was well known throughout Sangamon county. IL State Journal, Springfield, IL, 11-2-1903

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  • Maintained by: BjJ
  • Originally Created by: 46831545
  • Added: Sep 27, 2008
  • Find a Grave Memorial ID:
  • Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Lucinda True Johnson (19 Aug 1823–1 Nov 1903), Find a Grave Memorial ID 30104239, citing Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, USA; Maintained by BjJ (contributor 46902476).