
Samuel Rea


Samuel Rea

Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania, USA
24 Mar 1929 (aged 73)
Gladwyne, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA
Bryn Mawr, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA GPS-Latitude: 40.0221294, Longitude: -75.3072495
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Samuel Rea was an American engineer and the ninth president of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He was awarded the Franklin Medal in 1926. His parents were James D. Rea and Ruth Blair Moore. His paternal grandfather General John Rea was in the United States Congress.

Samuel Rea was an American engineer and the ninth president of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He was awarded the Franklin Medal in 1926. His parents were James D. Rea and Ruth Blair Moore. His paternal grandfather General John Rea was in the United States Congress.

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