
John Mansell Bagwell


John Mansell Bagwell

Transylvania County, North Carolina, USA
30 Nov 1935 (aged 69)
Greenwood, Greenwood County, South Carolina, USA
Laurens, Laurens County, South Carolina, USA GPS-Latitude: 34.507413, Longitude: -81.9993479
Memorial ID
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John Mansell Bagwell was first married to Sarah Edna Moore. They were married in North Carolina about 1888-1889.
Sarah was born in North Carolina in September 1870 and died in Greenville County, South Carolina on 26 April 1912. Her burial site is not known.John and Sarah had 10 children. They were step-children to Laura B Cutshall Smith Willis Bagwell. John and Laura had no children.
John Mansell Bagwell was first married to Sarah Edna Moore. They were married in North Carolina about 1888-1889.
Sarah was born in North Carolina in September 1870 and died in Greenville County, South Carolina on 26 April 1912. Her burial site is not known.John and Sarah had 10 children. They were step-children to Laura B Cutshall Smith Willis Bagwell. John and Laura had no children.

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