Sponsored by:Lynn Turner
- Birth
- Death
- 19 Mar 1945 (aged 21)
- Burial
Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, USA Show Map GPS-Latitude: 32.4043012, Longitude: -87.0444138
- Plot
- Div14, Lot 403-W, Sp 4.
- Memorial ID
- 69376193 View Source
1. Cemetery records of New Live Oak Cemetery in Selma, Alabama
2. de Jong, Ivo. "The History of the 487th Bomb Group (H)." Paducah KY: Turner Publishing, Oct 2004
3. Enlistment record of Daniel C. Smoke Jr at the U.S. National Archives
Information courtesy of Mr. Paul Webber, Secretary, 487th Bomb Group Association,
1. Cemetery records of New Live Oak Cemetery in Selma, Alabama
2. de Jong, Ivo. "The History of the 487th Bomb Group (H)." Paducah KY: Turner Publishing, Oct 2004
3. Enlistment record of Daniel C. Smoke Jr at the U.S. National Archives
Information courtesy of Mr. Paul Webber, Secretary, 487th Bomb Group Association,
Family Members
Other Records
See more Smoke memorials in:
- Maintained by: Nancy57
- Originally Created by: jdc
- Added: May 5, 2011
- Find a Grave Memorial ID:
Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69376193/daniel_c-smoke: accessed ), memorial page for 2LT Daniel C Smoke Jr. (23 Jul 1923–19 Mar 1945), Find a Grave Memorial ID 69376193, citing New Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, USA; Maintained by Nancy57 (contributor 47604013).