Mollie is listed in the 1880 Census as residing in Blasingames, Walton Co., Georgia along with parents Terrall Cicero and Sarah Ann Powell and brother Jeff Terrell Robinson. Her birth year is listed as 1879 on the 1900 and 1910 Census. It is not until the 1920 and 1930 census her birth year is recorded as in the early 1880s.
Joe Dial and Mollie married on 21 Jan 1897 and had 10 children with only 4 living a full life.
Martha Frances Bradley was born on 4 Dec 1897 and died on 22 Jan 1915 of Typhoid Fever. She married Arthur Lee Wallace and they had a son, Clide who died shortly before Martha. My grandmother, Martha's sister, told how she was never able to forget Martha's cries upon her finding the lifeless body of her son.
Pinkie Mae "Big Sister" Bradley married
Forris Edgar Freeze, Sr.. Uncle Freeze and Big Sister had 10 children.
William Terrell "Uncle Terrell" married Helen Thorton. Uncle Terrell and Aunt Helen had 3 Children. Uncle Terrell had an unknown named son by "Travail Wolf" prior to his marriage to Aunt Helen. The family has no information on this child.
Information on Joe Dial and Mollie's children was obtained from the original family records passed down from Mollie, to daughter Gladys. The original documentation is now in the possession of Alice "Micki" Bradley, wife of Joe Doyle Bradley who was the son of William Terrell.
Burial: Sept. 20, 1969. My Dad can't remember the exact day Mollie died but he does remember the day of her funeral. It was on the same day Oklahoma State and Arkansas played football. He and my uncle listened to the game on the way to the funeral.
Mollie is listed in the 1880 Census as residing in Blasingames, Walton Co., Georgia along with parents Terrall Cicero and Sarah Ann Powell and brother Jeff Terrell Robinson. Her birth year is listed as 1879 on the 1900 and 1910 Census. It is not until the 1920 and 1930 census her birth year is recorded as in the early 1880s.
Joe Dial and Mollie married on 21 Jan 1897 and had 10 children with only 4 living a full life.
Martha Frances Bradley was born on 4 Dec 1897 and died on 22 Jan 1915 of Typhoid Fever. She married Arthur Lee Wallace and they had a son, Clide who died shortly before Martha. My grandmother, Martha's sister, told how she was never able to forget Martha's cries upon her finding the lifeless body of her son.
Pinkie Mae "Big Sister" Bradley married
Forris Edgar Freeze, Sr.. Uncle Freeze and Big Sister had 10 children.
William Terrell "Uncle Terrell" married Helen Thorton. Uncle Terrell and Aunt Helen had 3 Children. Uncle Terrell had an unknown named son by "Travail Wolf" prior to his marriage to Aunt Helen. The family has no information on this child.
Information on Joe Dial and Mollie's children was obtained from the original family records passed down from Mollie, to daughter Gladys. The original documentation is now in the possession of Alice "Micki" Bradley, wife of Joe Doyle Bradley who was the son of William Terrell.
Burial: Sept. 20, 1969. My Dad can't remember the exact day Mollie died but he does remember the day of her funeral. It was on the same day Oklahoma State and Arkansas played football. He and my uncle listened to the game on the way to the funeral.
Family Members
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