
<span class=prefix>Flying Officer</span> James Lambert Moore


Flying Officer James Lambert Moore Veteran

Ottawa, Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada
13 May 1944 (aged 25)
Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium
Evere, Arrondissement Brussel-Hoofdstad, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium Add to Map
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MOORE, James Lambert Flying Officer/Navigator J23943. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed-in-Action May 13, 1944, age 25. No. 419 Moose Squadron. Target Louvain, Belgium. Please see Smith H. I. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Moore has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario. Page 533.

SMITH, Harold Ingram Pilot Officer/Pilot. J19595. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed-in-Action May 13, 1944 age 26. No. 419 Moose Squadron. P/O Smith had completed over 30 trips and had begun his second tour of operations when his Lancaster aircraft KB710 (Squadron code and aircraft individual letter VR+W) went missing during a night attack against the marshalling yards at Louvain, Belgium. F/O.s J.L. Moore, W.R. Finlayson, W.W. Price, P/O.s J.C.

O'Connell, S.G. Livingston and Sgt. R. Bull (RAF) were also killed. Pilot Officer Smith is buried in the Brussels Town Cemetery, Evere-les-Bruxelles, Belgium. Pages 705 & 706.
KB710 took off from Middleton St. George at 2155 hrs to attack the rail yards at Louvain, Belgium. It was shot down by a night fighter and crashed at Saint-Genseus-Rode (Brabant), 12 km south from the centre of Brussels. There were no survivors. Out of the 120 aircraft that took part in this raid, only two were lost.
MOORE, James Lambert Flying Officer/Navigator J23943. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed-in-Action May 13, 1944, age 25. No. 419 Moose Squadron. Target Louvain, Belgium. Please see Smith H. I. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Moore has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario. Page 533.

SMITH, Harold Ingram Pilot Officer/Pilot. J19595. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed-in-Action May 13, 1944 age 26. No. 419 Moose Squadron. P/O Smith had completed over 30 trips and had begun his second tour of operations when his Lancaster aircraft KB710 (Squadron code and aircraft individual letter VR+W) went missing during a night attack against the marshalling yards at Louvain, Belgium. F/O.s J.L. Moore, W.R. Finlayson, W.W. Price, P/O.s J.C.

O'Connell, S.G. Livingston and Sgt. R. Bull (RAF) were also killed. Pilot Officer Smith is buried in the Brussels Town Cemetery, Evere-les-Bruxelles, Belgium. Pages 705 & 706.
KB710 took off from Middleton St. George at 2155 hrs to attack the rail yards at Louvain, Belgium. It was shot down by a night fighter and crashed at Saint-Genseus-Rode (Brabant), 12 km south from the centre of Brussels. There were no survivors. Out of the 120 aircraft that took part in this raid, only two were lost.

Gravesite Details

Flying Officer (Nav.), 419 Sqdn. Royal Canadian Air Force. Age unknown.

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