Was grandson of Noah Hallock whose son was William (1730-1815), father of Moses. Moses had a brother Jeremiah and at least 6 sisters...On the second day after his [Moses'] death, his funeral took place, the sermon being preached by Rev. Dr. Theophilus Packard of Shelburne...Moses taught a classical school in his home...In the records of Williams College it is said that for a long time in the early struggles of that institution, the question of how many students were to enter at the beginning of each college year depended in a great measure upon the number Mr. Hallock could furnish. Half the class were not infrequently from his school...
children: William b. 1794, Martha b. 1796, Leavitt b. 1798, Gerard b.1800, and Homan.
Anonymous Member #47283828
Was grandson of Noah Hallock whose son was William (1730-1815), father of Moses. Moses had a brother Jeremiah and at least 6 sisters...On the second day after his [Moses'] death, his funeral took place, the sermon being preached by Rev. Dr. Theophilus Packard of Shelburne...Moses taught a classical school in his home...In the records of Williams College it is said that for a long time in the early struggles of that institution, the question of how many students were to enter at the beginning of each college year depended in a great measure upon the number Mr. Hallock could furnish. Half the class were not infrequently from his school...
children: William b. 1794, Martha b. 1796, Leavitt b. 1798, Gerard b.1800, and Homan.
Anonymous Member #47283828
The Reverend/Moses Hallock/Born Brookhaven LI Feb 16 1760/Reared by godly parents Goshen MS[sic]/Graduated Yale College 1788/Ordained and installed first Pastor of the/church in Plainfield July 11 1792/Ministered to a confiding and united People/45 years
Died July 17 1837 Aged 77
At 70 he requested a colleague having/Received to the church 358 members/Instructed 304 pupils 50 became ministers/7 Missionaries
A man of patriarchal simplicity/integrity sincerity Kindness/Without an enemy/He loved studied preached exemplified/the Bible and/Glorified in the Cross
L Scott Sculptor
Family Members
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