BOOLE - At the residence of her son, Mr. E.A. Boole, No. 414 Brambleton avenue, Tuesday morning, January 15th, at 7 o'clock. Sallie Boole, aged 74 years, beloved wife of David N. Boole.
The funeral will take place from the residence THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, January 16th at 9 o'clock. Friends and acquaintenances respectfully invited to attend
BOOLE - At the residence of her son, Mr. E.A. Boole, No. 414 Brambleton avenue, Tuesday morning, January 15th, at 7 o'clock. Sallie Boole, aged 74 years, beloved wife of David N. Boole.
The funeral will take place from the residence THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, January 16th at 9 o'clock. Friends and acquaintenances respectfully invited to attend
aged 72 years
Family Members