
Sarah Marie <I>Ballweg</I> Bumgardner


Sarah Marie Ballweg Bumgardner

Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, USA
2 Nov 1918 (aged 27)
Sangamon County, Illinois, USA
Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, USA GPS-Latitude: 39.82674, Longitude: -89.657323
Block 7,204
Memorial ID
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Aged 27 yrs 21 dys; TB

Survived by husband Oren Bumgardner, daughter Dorothy; parents Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ballweg; sisters Mrs. T. E. Baumgardner and Ruth Ballweg; brothers Charles and John. She had been a teacher in Enos school in Springfield.
Aged 27 yrs 21 dys; TB

Survived by husband Oren Bumgardner, daughter Dorothy; parents Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ballweg; sisters Mrs. T. E. Baumgardner and Ruth Ballweg; brothers Charles and John. She had been a teacher in Enos school in Springfield.

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  • Created by: BjJ
  • Added: Oct 14, 2009
  • Find a Grave Memorial ID:
  • Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Sarah Marie Ballweg Bumgardner (12 Oct 1891–2 Nov 1918), Find a Grave Memorial ID 43099679, citing Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, USA; Maintained by BjJ (contributor 46902476).