
Clarence Audburn Gilbert


Clarence Audburn Gilbert

21 Dec 1924 (aged 26)
Kaneville, Kane County, Illinois, USA
Plainville, Rooks County, Kansas, USA Add to Map
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Clarence A. Gilbert was born on April 25, 1898 in Plainville, Kansas. He graduated at the age of 12 from public school & from Plainville High School with the class of 1916. The following year he taught school in Rooks county and enlisted in the Student's Army Training Corps at Fort Hays in 1818. In 1919 he inlisted in the army at Salt Lake & was transferred at to Co. B., 3rd Engineers at Ft. McDowell, CA. He was sent to the Phillippines for a year. Upon returning to the U.S. he entered the aerial training service at Mather Field, Riverside, CA. In 1921 he received his rating as air pilot. He was the first man in his class to solo. Upon discarge he was appointed a second lieutenant in the officers reserve corps air service.

He returned home in April of 1922 & 3 months later re-entered the service at Ft. Riley. Upon receiving an appointment to the Air Mail Service, he purchased his discharge from the service in August 1924.

He flew with Jack Knight, who inaugurated the air mail service, on his August 16, 1924 check flight for the air mail service at Omaha, NE.

He took off on December 21, 1924 on his second flight of the day with frost-bitten hands and feet. He encountered a blinding snow storm. Unable to distingush what direction he was flying in, he turned off the plane to save the mail from fire & jumped out of the plane. His chute opened too close to the plane & the tail cut the lines. He was the first Air Mail Pilot to lose his life while flying the mail at night.
Clarence A. Gilbert was born on April 25, 1898 in Plainville, Kansas. He graduated at the age of 12 from public school & from Plainville High School with the class of 1916. The following year he taught school in Rooks county and enlisted in the Student's Army Training Corps at Fort Hays in 1818. In 1919 he inlisted in the army at Salt Lake & was transferred at to Co. B., 3rd Engineers at Ft. McDowell, CA. He was sent to the Phillippines for a year. Upon returning to the U.S. he entered the aerial training service at Mather Field, Riverside, CA. In 1921 he received his rating as air pilot. He was the first man in his class to solo. Upon discarge he was appointed a second lieutenant in the officers reserve corps air service.

He returned home in April of 1922 & 3 months later re-entered the service at Ft. Riley. Upon receiving an appointment to the Air Mail Service, he purchased his discharge from the service in August 1924.

He flew with Jack Knight, who inaugurated the air mail service, on his August 16, 1924 check flight for the air mail service at Omaha, NE.

He took off on December 21, 1924 on his second flight of the day with frost-bitten hands and feet. He encountered a blinding snow storm. Unable to distingush what direction he was flying in, he turned off the plane to save the mail from fire & jumped out of the plane. His chute opened too close to the plane & the tail cut the lines. He was the first Air Mail Pilot to lose his life while flying the mail at night.


Clarence A. Gilbert
1898 - 1924
Pioneer of Air Mail Service
The First to Lose His Life in Night Flying.
Civil Service Appointment Aug. 1924

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