
William Harlan Morris


William Harlan Morris

Bishopville, Worcester County, Maryland, USA
18 Jun 1944 (aged 26)
Dagsboro, Sussex County, Delaware, USA GPS-Latitude: 38.5483036, Longitude: -75.2383623
Memorial ID
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Son of Ethel Morris. William, who resided in Rockland, Delaware, served as a Private with the 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army during World War II. He was "Killed In Action" in the invasion of Normandy, France during the War. He had served in the Army for four years and seven months at the time of his death and was decorated with a Silver Star.
Son of Ethel Morris. William, who resided in Rockland, Delaware, served as a Private with the 30th Infantry Division, U.S. Army during World War II. He was "Killed In Action" in the invasion of Normandy, France during the War. He had served in the Army for four years and seven months at the time of his death and was decorated with a Silver Star.


30, Div. Inf. Killed in Action.

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