
Frederick John Kingsbury


Frederick John Kingsbury

Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA
30 Sep 1910 (aged 87)
Litchfield, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA
Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA Add to Map
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Kingsbury after graduating from Yale University in 1846, tried to become a lawyer, but gave that up to enter the banking business. He soon became president of Citizens National Bank and the director of the Scovill Manufacturing Company.

He was elected to the state legislature from the 1850's to through the 1860's. He also was on the Republican ticket to be lieutenant governor, but was defeated in the election.

Kingsbury after graduating from Yale University in 1846, tried to become a lawyer, but gave that up to enter the banking business. He soon became president of Citizens National Bank and the director of the Scovill Manufacturing Company.

He was elected to the state legislature from the 1850's to through the 1860's. He also was on the Republican ticket to be lieutenant governor, but was defeated in the election.

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