
Female Stranger


Female Stranger

14 Oct 1816 (aged 23)
Alexandria, Alexandria City, Virginia, USA
Alexandria, Alexandria City, Virginia, USA GPS-Latitude: 38.79976, Longitude: -77.05646
Memorial ID
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Complete story found at

One of post-colonial-America's most famous unknowns; died in room eight at City Hotel of Alexandria ~ now called Gadsby's Tavern ~ hangout of Washington, Jefferson, et cetera ~ and said to now haunt both death room and ballroom.
Complete story found at

One of post-colonial-America's most famous unknowns; died in room eight at City Hotel of Alexandria ~ now called Gadsby's Tavern ~ hangout of Washington, Jefferson, et cetera ~ and said to now haunt both death room and ballroom.


To the Memory of a
whose mortal sufferings terminated
on the 14th day of October 1816
Aged 23 years and 8 months.

This stone is placed here by her disconsolate
Husband in whose arms she sighed out her
latest breath and who under God
did his utmost even to soothe the cold
dead ear of death.

How loved how valued once avails thee not
To whom related or by whom begot
A heap of dust alone remains of thee
Tis all thou art and all the proud shall be

To him gave all the Prophets witness that
through his name whosoever believeth in
him shall receive remission of sins.
Acts. 10th Chap. 43rd verse
