
William Hurd Griswold


William Hurd Griswold

Fairfield, Herkimer County, New York, USA
14 May 1884 (aged 80)
Montrose, Lee County, Iowa, USA
Montrose, Lee County, Iowa, USA Add to Map
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Departed this life at his home in Jefferson township, Lee co, Iowa, May 14, 1884, William Hurd Griswold, aged 80 years.
Mr. Griswold was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, NY, April 8th, 1804. He came to Iowa in the spring of 1850, dwelling on his farm in Jefferson township in 1852, which was his home until his death.

He was the father of ten children, six of whom are still living; he also had fifty grandchildren and three great grand children. He was a consistent, thorough, earnest member of the protestant Episcopal church, and was confirmed, with his wife,who survives him, in 1888. The funeral services were held in St. Barnabas church, Montrose (of which he was one of the founders, giving freely of his money and aid in its erection) together with a Requiem Celebration of the Holy Sacrament according to primitive custom and the use of the Catholic church for --years.

Highly esteemed by all his neighbors and friends, his course well and nobly run, he fell asleep in jesus, whose precious body and blood he had received a few days before, having the testimony of a good conscience: in the communion of the Catholic church; in the confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope; in favor with Thee our God, and in charity with the world" "Give Eternal Rest to him, Oh Lord; and may Light Perpetual shine Upon him."

In the village of Alloway, by David Peterson, Esq. on Thursday the 17th inst., Mr. William Griswold, to Miss Sally Underdunk. "Wayne County Patriot and Lyons Advertiser" No 23- Vol. VII Wednesday, Oct 25, 1828
"Lyons NY Western Argus 1834-1844"
By virtue of several writs of executions, issued out of the Supreme Court of Judieature of the state of New York, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, chattels real and real estate of Aaron Griswold and William H. Griswold, in my bailiwick, and to me, Truman Heminway, sheriff of the county of Wayne, directed and delivered, for want of goods and chattels of the said Aaron Griswold and William H. Griswold, in my said bailiwick, whereof to make the amount of money commanded to be made in and by said writs of execution, I have seized and taken all and singular the right, title, and intercat, claim and demand, either at law or in equity, of William H. Griwwold, of in and in all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the town of Galen, county of Wayne and state of New York, to wit, what is known as the ?alates? hundred acres of lot number twenty nine, in Galen aforesaid, being the same premises of which PETER ONDERDONK, late of Galen aforesaid, deceased, died seized, lately occupied by Sylvester S. Hawley, the present husband of the widow of the said PETER ONDERDONK, deceased, and now occupied by Henry Grenell, of Galen aforesaid, which I shall sell at public auction, agreebably to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, at the Lyons Hotel, now kept by Philip Dorsheimer, in the village of Lyons, in said county of Wayne, on Saturday the 12th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. The object of this sale is to convey all and ingular, the right, title and interest of the said William H. Griswold, of in and to the said premises, derived to him by his inter-marriage with one of the children and heirs at law, of the said PETER ONDERDONK, deceased, the same more or less, and nothing otherwise. Dated July 29, 1835
T. Heminway, Sheriff
O. Allen, Dep. Sheriff
"Fort Madison Democrat" Wed. May 21, 1884

Departed this life at his home in Jefferson township, Lee co,Iowa, May 14, 1884, William Hurd Griswold, aged 80 years.
Mr. Griswold was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, NY, April 8th, 1804. He came to Iowa in the spring of 1850, dwelling on his farm in Jefferson township in 1852, which was his home until his death.
He was the father of ten children, six of whom are still living; he also had fifty grandchildren and three great grand children. He was a consistent, thorough, earnest member of the protestant Episcopal church, and was confirmed, with his wife, who survives him, in 1888. The funeral services were held in St. Barnabas church, Montrose (of which he was one of the founders, giving freely of his money and aid in its erection) together with a Requiem Celebration of the Holy Sacrament according to primitive custom and the use of the Catholic church for --years.
Highly esteemed by all his neighbors and friends, his course well and nobly run, he fell asleep in Jesus, whose precious body and blood he had received a few days before, having the testimony of a good conscience: in the communion of the Catholic church; in the confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope; in favor with Thee our God, and in charity with the world" "Give Eternal Rest to him, Oh Lord; and may Light Perpetual shine Upon him"

Departed this life at his home in Jefferson township, Lee co, Iowa, May 14, 1884, William Hurd Griswold, aged 80 years.
Mr. Griswold was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, NY, April 8th, 1804. He came to Iowa in the spring of 1850, dwelling on his farm in Jefferson township in 1852, which was his home until his death.

He was the father of ten children, six of whom are still living; he also had fifty grandchildren and three great grand children. He was a consistent, thorough, earnest member of the protestant Episcopal church, and was confirmed, with his wife,who survives him, in 1888. The funeral services were held in St. Barnabas church, Montrose (of which he was one of the founders, giving freely of his money and aid in its erection) together with a Requiem Celebration of the Holy Sacrament according to primitive custom and the use of the Catholic church for --years.

Highly esteemed by all his neighbors and friends, his course well and nobly run, he fell asleep in jesus, whose precious body and blood he had received a few days before, having the testimony of a good conscience: in the communion of the Catholic church; in the confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope; in favor with Thee our God, and in charity with the world" "Give Eternal Rest to him, Oh Lord; and may Light Perpetual shine Upon him."

In the village of Alloway, by David Peterson, Esq. on Thursday the 17th inst., Mr. William Griswold, to Miss Sally Underdunk. "Wayne County Patriot and Lyons Advertiser" No 23- Vol. VII Wednesday, Oct 25, 1828
"Lyons NY Western Argus 1834-1844"
By virtue of several writs of executions, issued out of the Supreme Court of Judieature of the state of New York, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, chattels real and real estate of Aaron Griswold and William H. Griswold, in my bailiwick, and to me, Truman Heminway, sheriff of the county of Wayne, directed and delivered, for want of goods and chattels of the said Aaron Griswold and William H. Griswold, in my said bailiwick, whereof to make the amount of money commanded to be made in and by said writs of execution, I have seized and taken all and singular the right, title, and intercat, claim and demand, either at law or in equity, of William H. Griwwold, of in and in all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the town of Galen, county of Wayne and state of New York, to wit, what is known as the ?alates? hundred acres of lot number twenty nine, in Galen aforesaid, being the same premises of which PETER ONDERDONK, late of Galen aforesaid, deceased, died seized, lately occupied by Sylvester S. Hawley, the present husband of the widow of the said PETER ONDERDONK, deceased, and now occupied by Henry Grenell, of Galen aforesaid, which I shall sell at public auction, agreebably to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, at the Lyons Hotel, now kept by Philip Dorsheimer, in the village of Lyons, in said county of Wayne, on Saturday the 12th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. The object of this sale is to convey all and ingular, the right, title and interest of the said William H. Griswold, of in and to the said premises, derived to him by his inter-marriage with one of the children and heirs at law, of the said PETER ONDERDONK, deceased, the same more or less, and nothing otherwise. Dated July 29, 1835
T. Heminway, Sheriff
O. Allen, Dep. Sheriff
"Fort Madison Democrat" Wed. May 21, 1884

Departed this life at his home in Jefferson township, Lee co,Iowa, May 14, 1884, William Hurd Griswold, aged 80 years.
Mr. Griswold was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, NY, April 8th, 1804. He came to Iowa in the spring of 1850, dwelling on his farm in Jefferson township in 1852, which was his home until his death.
He was the father of ten children, six of whom are still living; he also had fifty grandchildren and three great grand children. He was a consistent, thorough, earnest member of the protestant Episcopal church, and was confirmed, with his wife, who survives him, in 1888. The funeral services were held in St. Barnabas church, Montrose (of which he was one of the founders, giving freely of his money and aid in its erection) together with a Requiem Celebration of the Holy Sacrament according to primitive custom and the use of the Catholic church for --years.
Highly esteemed by all his neighbors and friends, his course well and nobly run, he fell asleep in Jesus, whose precious body and blood he had received a few days before, having the testimony of a good conscience: in the communion of the Catholic church; in the confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope; in favor with Thee our God, and in charity with the world" "Give Eternal Rest to him, Oh Lord; and may Light Perpetual shine Upon him"


BORN 1804
DIED 1884

BORN 18098
DIED 1899
other side of monument:
CHARLES P MOON 1821-1898
other side of monument:
