Wairarapa Daily Times, 21 June 1888
Masterton Court James Hanley was charged with allowing cows to trepass on the Masterton Railway line. Mr Beard appeared for the defendant. The offence having been proved, a fine of 20s and costs was inflicted.
Wairarapa Daily Times, 8 July 1897 The ordinary meeting of the Masterton Volunteer Fire Brigade was held last evening, Lieut. W. Dixon presiding. Engine-keeper R. Dixon tendered his resignation as a member of the Brigade which was received with regret. An election of officers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with and resulted as follows: Captain, C. E. Daniell (re-elected); Lieutenant W. Dixon (re-elected); Secretary C. H. Payne (re-elected); Foreman, F. W. Parker; Assistant-Foreman J. Hanley; Branchmen, No 1, H. Broom; No 2, J. Parker; No 3, V. Andrews; Engine-keeper, D. Cripps
Wairarapa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1898 With our issue of to-day we circulate as an inset, the prospectus of the Masterton Industrial Society, Ltd., of which Messrs J. Prentice, R. Evernden, E. A. Israel, W. H. Cole, J. Hanley, G. Thompson and F. P. Welch are provisional Directors. Mr Gillespie is Secretary and the registered office is in Hall-street.
Wairarapa Daily Times, 30 Sep 1899 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Masterton Volunteer Fire Brigade was held last Wednesday evening, Lieutenant Dixon in the chair. The Association's long service medal was presented to Firemen; C. H. Payne, A. Wilton, J. Parker, H. Stinson and James Hanley.
Wairarapa Age, 7 July 1911
The many friends of Mr James Hanley of Pine street, Masterton, who was taken suddenly ill recently, will regret to learn that he is still in a very precarious condition and is causing his relatives grave anxiety.
Wairarapa Age, 10 July 1911
Mr JAMES HANLEY Another of the early residents of Masterton has passed away in he person of Mr James Hanley, whose death occurred at the residence, Pine Street, early on Saturday evening, after a comparatively short illness. The deceased, who was well-known and very highly respected, had been a resident of this town for 28 years and for the past 22 years had been employed in the railway service. He took a keen interest in the welfare of the town and was an enthusiastic member of the old Volunteer Fire Brigade and also a member of the Veterans' Fire Brigade Association. The late Mr Hanley, who was a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters, was born in Spittel Country, Limerick, Ireland and arrived in New Zealand in the ship "Crusiado" at the age of 30 years(sic). He leaves a widow and family of nine (five sons and four daughters) to mourn their loss. Much sympathy will be extended to the family in their bereavement.
The funeral will leave the residence, Pine Street, at 2 o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday).
Wairarapa Daily Times, 21 June 1888
Masterton Court James Hanley was charged with allowing cows to trepass on the Masterton Railway line. Mr Beard appeared for the defendant. The offence having been proved, a fine of 20s and costs was inflicted.
Wairarapa Daily Times, 8 July 1897 The ordinary meeting of the Masterton Volunteer Fire Brigade was held last evening, Lieut. W. Dixon presiding. Engine-keeper R. Dixon tendered his resignation as a member of the Brigade which was received with regret. An election of officers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with and resulted as follows: Captain, C. E. Daniell (re-elected); Lieutenant W. Dixon (re-elected); Secretary C. H. Payne (re-elected); Foreman, F. W. Parker; Assistant-Foreman J. Hanley; Branchmen, No 1, H. Broom; No 2, J. Parker; No 3, V. Andrews; Engine-keeper, D. Cripps
Wairarapa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1898 With our issue of to-day we circulate as an inset, the prospectus of the Masterton Industrial Society, Ltd., of which Messrs J. Prentice, R. Evernden, E. A. Israel, W. H. Cole, J. Hanley, G. Thompson and F. P. Welch are provisional Directors. Mr Gillespie is Secretary and the registered office is in Hall-street.
Wairarapa Daily Times, 30 Sep 1899 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Masterton Volunteer Fire Brigade was held last Wednesday evening, Lieutenant Dixon in the chair. The Association's long service medal was presented to Firemen; C. H. Payne, A. Wilton, J. Parker, H. Stinson and James Hanley.
Wairarapa Age, 7 July 1911
The many friends of Mr James Hanley of Pine street, Masterton, who was taken suddenly ill recently, will regret to learn that he is still in a very precarious condition and is causing his relatives grave anxiety.
Wairarapa Age, 10 July 1911
Mr JAMES HANLEY Another of the early residents of Masterton has passed away in he person of Mr James Hanley, whose death occurred at the residence, Pine Street, early on Saturday evening, after a comparatively short illness. The deceased, who was well-known and very highly respected, had been a resident of this town for 28 years and for the past 22 years had been employed in the railway service. He took a keen interest in the welfare of the town and was an enthusiastic member of the old Volunteer Fire Brigade and also a member of the Veterans' Fire Brigade Association. The late Mr Hanley, who was a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters, was born in Spittel Country, Limerick, Ireland and arrived in New Zealand in the ship "Crusiado" at the age of 30 years(sic). He leaves a widow and family of nine (five sons and four daughters) to mourn their loss. Much sympathy will be extended to the family in their bereavement.
The funeral will leave the residence, Pine Street, at 2 o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday).
Sacred To The Memory Of
died 8th July 1911 age 53
~ and ~
died 18th Dec 1941 age 84
Family Members
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