Wairarapa Age, 15 Feb 1914
The friends of Mrs Abel Kerr will learn with deep regret of the sudden death of her mother, Mrs E. L. Turnbull, which occurred at the residence, Keaton street, yesterday morning. The deceased lady, who had attained the advanced age of 77 years at the time of her death, was a very old resident of Invercargill.
Wairarapa Age, 17 Feb 1914
Funeral Notice The Friends of Mrs Abel Kerr are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of her late mother, Mrs E. L. Turnbull, which will eave the residence, No 5, Keaton Street, on Tuesday, February 17th, at 2 p.m. for the Masterton Cemetery.
Wairarapa Age, 15 Feb 1914
The friends of Mrs Abel Kerr will learn with deep regret of the sudden death of her mother, Mrs E. L. Turnbull, which occurred at the residence, Keaton street, yesterday morning. The deceased lady, who had attained the advanced age of 77 years at the time of her death, was a very old resident of Invercargill.
Wairarapa Age, 17 Feb 1914
Funeral Notice The Friends of Mrs Abel Kerr are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of her late mother, Mrs E. L. Turnbull, which will eave the residence, No 5, Keaton Street, on Tuesday, February 17th, at 2 p.m. for the Masterton Cemetery.
Gravesite Details
buried with daughter Mary & son-in-law Abel Kerr, husband of daughter Flora Elizabeth Roebuck
Family Members
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