Groom's age: 29 years
Groom's birth year: 1887
Groom's birthplace: Linden Township, Wash., Michigan
Bride's name: Olive K. Hall
Bride's age: 31 years
Bride's birth year: 1885
Bride's birthplace: Waterloo Township
Marriage date: 20 Jun 1916
Marriage place: Waterloo, Jackson, Michigan
Groom's father's name: Orson
Groom's mother's name: Sarah Kayser
Father of bride's name: Andrew
Mother of bride's name: Rose Rentcheler
Film number: 2342715
Digital GS number: 4209287
Image number: 483
Reference number: v 3 p 47 rn 379
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
Groom's age: 29 years
Groom's birth year: 1887
Groom's birthplace: Linden Township, Wash., Michigan
Bride's name: Olive K. Hall
Bride's age: 31 years
Bride's birth year: 1885
Bride's birthplace: Waterloo Township
Marriage date: 20 Jun 1916
Marriage place: Waterloo, Jackson, Michigan
Groom's father's name: Orson
Groom's mother's name: Sarah Kayser
Father of bride's name: Andrew
Mother of bride's name: Rose Rentcheler
Film number: 2342715
Digital GS number: 4209287
Image number: 483
Reference number: v 3 p 47 rn 379
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
Family Members
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