Maunsell Bradhurst Field was the Asst. Sec'y of U. S. Treasury under the Lincoln Administration, and, later. Judge of the 2d Dist. Court
NEW YORK, Jan. 25 - Judge Maunsel B. Field, formerly Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, died here yesterday.
The New Orleans Bulletin
New Orleans, Louisiana
Tuesday, January 26, 1875
Vol: 1 Page: 9
2nd Suggested Edit:
Maunsell's wife and mother of his two sons, was Julia Stanton
Elaine Robison
of N. Y.
(information provided by
contributor Tony Chiofolo)
Maunsell Bradhurst Field was the Asst. Sec'y of U. S. Treasury under the Lincoln Administration, and, later. Judge of the 2d Dist. Court
NEW YORK, Jan. 25 - Judge Maunsel B. Field, formerly Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, died here yesterday.
The New Orleans Bulletin
New Orleans, Louisiana
Tuesday, January 26, 1875
Vol: 1 Page: 9
2nd Suggested Edit:
Maunsell's wife and mother of his two sons, was Julia Stanton
Elaine Robison
of N. Y.
(information provided by
contributor Tony Chiofolo)
Family Members
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