Gager, Charles Stuart, Brooklyn Botanical Garden, N.Y. Norwich, X.Y., Dec. 23, 72.A.B., Syracuse Univ, 95; Pd.B and Pd.M, N.Y. State Nor. Coll, 97; Harvard Univ, 97; Ph.D, Cornell Univ, 02. Lab. asst. Biol, Syracuse Univ, 94-95; v. principle, Ive Sem, N.Y., 95-96; prof.biol.sci. and physiog, N.Y. State Nor. Coll, Albany, 97-05; asst. bot, Applied Micros, 01-02; lab.asst, N. Y. Bot Garden, 04-
05; acting Rutgers, 05; prof. bot. N.Y. Univ, summer,
05,06; teacher biol, Morris H.S., N.Y. City, 05; director of the laboratories, N.Y. Bot. Garden, 06-08; prof. bot. State Univ, Missouri, 08-10; director Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 10-. Assoc, editor, Plant World, 05; F.A.A.A.S; fellow, Am. Geol. Soc, 05-06; N.Y. State Teachers Assoc, 01-04; Albany Entom. Soc.98-04(v.pres.98-99); Torrey Bot. Club(secy, 05-08); Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med; Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists; Bot.Soc.Am.; St. Louis Acad. Sci, 08-10; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Plant physiology; cystology.
Vice-principal, Ives Seminary, Antwerp, New York, 1895-1896. Professor biological sciences and physiography, New York State Normal College, 1897-1905. Director laboratories, New York Botanical Garden, 1906-1908.
Professor botany, University of Missouri, 1908-1910.
Director Brooklyn Botanic Garden since 1910. Assistant in botany, 1901-1902, instructor, 1904, Summer School, Cornell.
Laboratory assistant, New York Botanical Garden, 1904-1905. Acting professor botany, Rutgers College, 1905.
Teacher botany, Morris High School, New York, 1905.
Professor botany, summer session, New York University, 1905-1906. Editor Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record since 1912. Business manager American Journal Botany, 1914-1935, Ecology since 1920, Genetics since 1922.
Gager, Charles Stuart, Brooklyn Botanical Garden, N.Y. Norwich, X.Y., Dec. 23, 72.A.B., Syracuse Univ, 95; Pd.B and Pd.M, N.Y. State Nor. Coll, 97; Harvard Univ, 97; Ph.D, Cornell Univ, 02. Lab. asst. Biol, Syracuse Univ, 94-95; v. principle, Ive Sem, N.Y., 95-96; prof.biol.sci. and physiog, N.Y. State Nor. Coll, Albany, 97-05; asst. bot, Applied Micros, 01-02; lab.asst, N. Y. Bot Garden, 04-
05; acting Rutgers, 05; prof. bot. N.Y. Univ, summer,
05,06; teacher biol, Morris H.S., N.Y. City, 05; director of the laboratories, N.Y. Bot. Garden, 06-08; prof. bot. State Univ, Missouri, 08-10; director Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 10-. Assoc, editor, Plant World, 05; F.A.A.A.S; fellow, Am. Geol. Soc, 05-06; N.Y. State Teachers Assoc, 01-04; Albany Entom. Soc.98-04(v.pres.98-99); Torrey Bot. Club(secy, 05-08); Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med; Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists; Bot.Soc.Am.; St. Louis Acad. Sci, 08-10; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Plant physiology; cystology.
Vice-principal, Ives Seminary, Antwerp, New York, 1895-1896. Professor biological sciences and physiography, New York State Normal College, 1897-1905. Director laboratories, New York Botanical Garden, 1906-1908.
Professor botany, University of Missouri, 1908-1910.
Director Brooklyn Botanic Garden since 1910. Assistant in botany, 1901-1902, instructor, 1904, Summer School, Cornell.
Laboratory assistant, New York Botanical Garden, 1904-1905. Acting professor botany, Rutgers College, 1905.
Teacher botany, Morris High School, New York, 1905.
Professor botany, summer session, New York University, 1905-1906. Editor Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record since 1912. Business manager American Journal Botany, 1914-1935, Ecology since 1920, Genetics since 1922.
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