
Frank Truax


Frank Truax

Kent County, Delaware, USA
4 Mar 1951 (aged 67)
Delaware, USA
Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware, USA GPS-Latitude: 39.29583, Longitude: -75.59763
Memorial ID
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Delaware birth records note that his headstone is in error and he was born in " 1883 " and not " 1884 ".

Frank, who was born in Kent County, Delaware was a farmer in Mount Pleasant, New Castle County, Delaware when he first met his wife Avis Griffin.

They were married in Mount Pleasant and at some point returned to near Smyrna, Delaware ( Smyrna Landing ) where Frank started working as a Carpenter.

Frank and Avis had 11 children prior to her passing away.

Frank was married second to Jean Alifair Robinson Scott who was a widow and they did not have any children together.
Delaware birth records note that his headstone is in error and he was born in " 1883 " and not " 1884 ".

Frank, who was born in Kent County, Delaware was a farmer in Mount Pleasant, New Castle County, Delaware when he first met his wife Avis Griffin.

They were married in Mount Pleasant and at some point returned to near Smyrna, Delaware ( Smyrna Landing ) where Frank started working as a Carpenter.

Frank and Avis had 11 children prior to her passing away.

Frank was married second to Jean Alifair Robinson Scott who was a widow and they did not have any children together.

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