
John William Bagwell


John William Bagwell

South Carolina, USA
26 Aug 1992 (aged 73)
Waterloo, Laurens County, South Carolina, USA
Waterloo, Laurens County, South Carolina, USA Add to Map
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first name: John
middle name: W
last name: Bagwell
birth date: 15 May 1919
social security number: xxxxxx
place of issuance: South Carolina
last residence: Lexington, South Carolina
zip code of last residence: 29006
death date: August 1992
estimated age at death: 73

first name: John
middle name: W
last name: Bagwell
birth date: 15 May 1919
social security number: xxxxxx
place of issuance: South Carolina
last residence: Lexington, South Carolina
zip code of last residence: 29006
death date: August 1992
estimated age at death: 73

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