Nina (In memory of my son Brent Allen Morgan)

Member for
22 years 2 months 20 days
Find a Grave ID


My name is Nina , I am married and the mother of five children, and four grandchildren! Sadley the youngest boy Brent Allen Morgan passed away in 2004.

You are more than welcome to use my information for your research! I have a tree with more than 20 years of information, and over 15000 people on the tree! I have been very lucky with so many cousins willing to share! I was very lucky my good friend Barb who I meet through a my tree called to see how I was doing, such a wonderful lady, she is in her seventies, and knows much more than I do! Together we found her son who she had not seen for over twenty years, it was wonderful! This is what makes it worthwhile! I remember something my young son said to me before he passed, mom if I die before you make me a promise never forget the living while you do your tree! I relized by this he meant enjoy the time we have together for none of us know how long we have! My ancestors are long gone and would like to be remembered, you are more than welcome to use my information for your tree for I would be honored to have them remembered! Always ask before using, some get offended! But I look at it this way when you put a photo of my loved one on your tree that also connects to you it lights up "Heaven" for in the end we will all be the ancestors someday! I would like to thank all the wonderful cousins, friends, etc; who were kind enough to share with me!

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My name is Nina , I am married and the mother of five children, and four grandchildren! Sadley the youngest boy Brent Allen Morgan passed away in 2004.

You are more than welcome to use my information for your research! I have a tree with more than 20 years of information, and over 15000 people on the tree! I have been very lucky with so many cousins willing to share! I was very lucky my good friend Barb who I meet through a my tree called to see how I was doing, such a wonderful lady, she is in her seventies, and knows much more than I do! Together we found her son who she had not seen for over twenty years, it was wonderful! This is what makes it worthwhile! I remember something my young son said to me before he passed, mom if I die before you make me a promise never forget the living while you do your tree! I relized by this he meant enjoy the time we have together for none of us know how long we have! My ancestors are long gone and would like to be remembered, you are more than welcome to use my information for your tree for I would be honored to have them remembered! Always ask before using, some get offended! But I look at it this way when you put a photo of my loved one on your tree that also connects to you it lights up "Heaven" for in the end we will all be the ancestors someday! I would like to thank all the wonderful cousins, friends, etc; who were kind enough to share with me!

I know we can get confused so I posted the Accuracy and Copyright Disclaimer, is a wonderful site and this helps to understand everything for all!

Any text, images, photos or other content you submit to Find A Grave, Inc. (Find A Grave) is subject to editorial review. All content you submit must not conflict with the copyright laws of any country, state or other legal entity. No copyright is claimed on non-original or licensed material. (it is important that one understands no copyright is claimed on non origianl or licensed material)

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