
Clarence Goldsby


Clarence Goldsby

Texas, USA
18 Feb 1911 (aged 33)
Saint Louis, St. Louis City, Missouri, USA
Fort Gibson, Muskogee County, Oklahoma, USA GPS-Latitude: 35.7975851, Longitude: -95.2289131
Memorial ID
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Clarence Goldsby was born at Ft. Concho, TX, the son of George Goldsby & Ellen Beck Goldsby Lynch (buried at this cem.); he had the following siblings
(all buried at Citizens): Georgia Goldsby Brown, Luther, & Crawford "Cherokee Bill" Goldsby.

Part Cherokee through his mother Ellen Beck.
Clarence Goldsby was born at Ft. Concho, TX, the son of George Goldsby & Ellen Beck Goldsby Lynch (buried at this cem.); he had the following siblings
(all buried at Citizens): Georgia Goldsby Brown, Luther, & Crawford "Cherokee Bill" Goldsby.

Part Cherokee through his mother Ellen Beck.

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