A Virtual Cemetery created by Charles B. Baty


Woodrow Cox was a member of Headquarters Company, 192nd Tank Battalion. He was stationed in the Philippine Islands when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Ten hours later, he lived through the attack on Clark Airfield.His battalion fought the first tank battle of WWII involving American Tanks. On April 9, 1942, he became a Prisoner of War when Bataan was surrendered to the Japanese. He took part in the death march from Mariveles to San Fernando. There the POWs were packed into small wooden boxcars. Those who died remained standing. At Capas, the POWs left the cars, as the dead fell to the floors.He walked to Camp O'Donnell.He was transferred to Cabanatuan when the new camp was opened. In the fall of 1942, he was taken to Korea on a Japanese transport. The trip took 31 days. By train, he was taken to Mukden, Manchuria.He remained a POW there until the end of the war.

Charles B. Baty has not added any memorials to this virtual cemetery.
