
Member for
15 years 5 months 21 days
Find a Grave ID
Not accepting messages.


General Rules:

The copyright of all photos posted to Find A Grave remains with the original submitter. No use of photos for any other website or personal use is given without prior consent of the original submitter.
JPEG format preferred (.jpg or .jpeg).
Less than 8.0MB
Scanned photos should be cropped with no surrounding white space.
No decorative graphics, animated GIFs, photo frames, or graphic embellishments.
No post-mortem photos.
No obituary photographs.
No photos taken from any website, including Find A Grave!!!

If there is already a photo of the headstone, do not add a second similar photo unless the original is of poor quality and the new photo is dramatically better. This leaves room for photos of the deceased within the five-photo limit on unsponsored memorials. Please note that it is not appropriate to delete a page and substitute it with a new memorial that you have created just because you don't like a photo that someone else has added. If the photo is an appropriate addition to the memorial, it will be allowed to remain.

General Rules:

The copyright of all photos posted to Find A Grave remains with the original submitter. No use of photos for any other website or personal use is given without prior consent of the original submitter.
JPEG format preferred (.jpg or .jpeg).
Less than 8.0MB
Scanned photos should be cropped with no surrounding white space.
No decorative graphics, animated GIFs, photo frames, or graphic embellishments.
No post-mortem photos.
No obituary photographs.
No photos taken from any website, including Find A Grave!!!

If there is already a photo of the headstone, do not add a second similar photo unless the original is of poor quality and the new photo is dramatically better. This leaves room for photos of the deceased within the five-photo limit on unsponsored memorials. Please note that it is not appropriate to delete a page and substitute it with a new memorial that you have created just because you don't like a photo that someone else has added. If the photo is an appropriate addition to the memorial, it will be allowed to remain.

Search memorial contributions by Diane



26th Missouri INF

32 Memorials

funeral home photos

7 Memorials

Stolen Photo

21 Memorials